开源 物联网接入_我们刚刚推出了开源产品。 那么接下来会发生什么呢?
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开源 物联网接入

by Victor F. Santos

由Victor F.Santos

我们刚刚推出了开源产品。 那么接下来会发生什么呢? (We just launched an open source product. So what happens next?)

Last month me and the ninja god launched , a plug-and-play portfolio for developers. Open source and free.

上个月,我和忍者神推出了 ,这是一个针对开发人员的即插即用产品组合。 开源和免费。

It’s quite simple what the product does. It fetches GitHub user info and projects to craft an one-page layout, .

产品的作用非常简单。 它将获取GitHub用户信息和项目以制作一页布局, 。

In this post I’ll talk about how we got over 25,000 projects showcased from 80 different countries in a single month, and how we expect to earn money from it. We hope it to be of some help for the product people and enthusiasts out there. Let’s go open source! :)

在这篇文章中,我将讨论如何在一个月内从80个不同的国家展示超过25,000个项目,以及我们希望如何从中赚钱。 我们希望它对产品的产品爱好者和发烧友有所帮助。 让我们开源吧! :)

为什么我们制作GitShowcase (Why we made GitShowcase)

Developers are amazing crafters. No one would disagree. But when applying to new jobs, most of them struggle to find a good way to present their work. Usually they look for pre-made templates or a custom CMS (Content Management System) tools to develop their personal websites.

开发人员是出色的手Craft.io者。 没有人会不同意。 但是,当申请新工作时,大多数人都在努力寻找一种介绍工作的好方法。 通常,他们寻找预制模板或自定义CMS(内容管理系统)工具来开发其个人网站。

We made it simple for developers in a rush. No hard sign-ups, no forms to fill, no code. Just a button to sign in with a GitHub account. After a one-click sign-in, all relevant info and projects are displayed in an easy, customizable one-page layout.

我们为匆忙的开发人员简化了工作。 没有硬注册,没有表格可以填写,没有代码。 只需一个按钮即可使用GitHub帐户登录。 一键登录后,所有相关信息和项目都以简单,可自定义的一页布局显示。

I was responsible for the design and Pedro for the engineering. Ironically GitShowcase was meant to be only a side project to put on our portfolios and that’s it, but community drove us other way…

我负责设计,佩德罗负责工程。 具有讽刺意味的是,GitShowcase只是本应放在我们投资组合中的一个附带项目,仅此而已,但是社区以其他方式推动了我们……

社区的怀抱 (The community embrace)

We published GitShowcase in a few Brazilian development groups of Facebook to gather feedback. We were overwhelmed by a lot of awesome people engaging with the posts and endorsing it to friends.

我们在Facebook的几个巴西开发小组中发布了GitShowcase,以收集反馈。 很多很棒的人参与这些帖子并将其推荐给朋友,使我们不知所措。

Within just a few hours, we already had over 4,000 projects showcased on the platform. The most surprising part was that many of them were not from Brazil.

在短短几个小时内,我们已经在该平台上展示了​​4,000多个项目。 最令人惊讶的是,其中许多不是来自巴西。

我们的增长策略 (Our growth strategy)

We were a little scared by the numbers. How were we going to keep up this rate of growth? We had no budget to make ads, nor to promote the website any other way than organically.

这些数字让我们有些害怕。 我们将如何保持这种增长率? 我们没有预算来制作广告,也没有其他方法来自然地推广网站。

We focused our efforts on three pillars to see how it would perform:


  1. Social media ─ The source that made us visible to the world. We kept publishing GitShowcase on other groups via Facebook, LinkedIn, and reaching out to tech influencers on Twitter to have GitShowcase tested. We also put share buttons more visible and actionable on the pages.

    社交媒体 ─使我们对世界可见的资源。 我们一直通过Facebook,LinkedIn在其他小组上发布GitShowcase,并在Twitter上联系技术影响者以测试GitShowcase。 我们还将页面上的共享按钮置于可见和可操作的位置。

  2. Content marketing ─ Pedro likes to write about tech life. So he started writing about GitShowcase, such as our tech stack, process, shipping etc., and publishing them on and other blogs. Check his if you’re interested in shipping apps.

    内容营销 ─Pedro喜欢撰写有关技术生活的文章。 因此,他开始撰写有关GitShowcase的文章,例如我们的技术堆栈,流程,运输等,然后将其发布在和其他博客上。 如果您对运送应用程序感兴趣,请检查他的 。

  3. SEO ─ This is a more long-tail strategy. We thought about the keywords we want to be well ranked for: “developer portfolio”, “github portfolio”, “developer website”, so users can find us organically through Google search. For the profiles, we prepared dynamic keywords: “gitshowcase + username”, “developer portfolio + username”, to get specific user searches linked to our website too. We also spread the GitShowcase link under comments of famous blog posts to work on our link building (and to get some curious scrolling readers to meet us too).

    SEO─这是一个比较长尾巴的策略。 我们考虑了我们想要很好地排名的关键字:“开发人员投资组合”,“ github投资组合”,“开发人员网站”,以便用户可以通过Google搜索有机地找到我们。 对于配置文件,我们准备了动态关键字:“ gitshowcase +用户名”,“开发人员组合+用户名”,以使特定的用户搜索也链接到我们的网站。 我们还将GitShowcase链接传播到著名博客文章的评论中,以进行链接构建(并吸引一些好奇的滚动阅读器与我们见面)。

那么,该策略的执行情况如何? (So, how the strategy performed?)

The data above represents:


  • On the left: sessions per source. We will identify which of the initiatives brought more visitors to the website.

    左侧: 每个来源的会话 。 我们将确定哪些举措带来了更多的网站访问者。

  • On the right: infographic about traffic per country. We will see how people from different countries visited the website, how many signed up, what’s the top 10 countries with more sign ups and what’s the top 10 countries with the best conversion rates.

    右侧: 有关每个国家/地区流量的信息图 。 我们将看到来自不同国家/地区的人们如何访问该网站,有多少人注册,注册次数最多的前10个国家和转化率最高的前10个国家/地区。

Before diving in, it’s important to state that both “(direct) / none” and “Github.com / referral” are quite misleading the data. We won’t include them in the analysis because it’s confusing even for us, here’s why:

深入研究之前,务必要声明“ (直接)/无 ”和“ Github.com /推荐人 ”都误导了数据。 我们不会将它们包括在分析中,因为这甚至使我们感到困惑,原因如下:

  • (direct) / none ─ This source should stand for people that directly type gitshowcase.com on browser and hit go, but Google Analytics has a bug on it since always and takes credit of the traffic from other sources because of tracking failure. You can read more about it .

    (直接)/无-这个来源应该代表在浏览器上直接键入gitshowcase.com并立即点击执行的人,但是Google Analytics(分析)始终存在错误,并且由于跟踪失败而将其他来源的流量归功于此。 您可以了解更多信息。

  • Github.com / referral ─ We use the GitHub API to authenticate the user, so it takes credit as the traffic source when it sends back to GitShowcase.

    Github.com/referral─我们使用GitHub API对用户进行身份验证,因此当它发送回GitShowcase时,它将信誉作为流量来源。

We’ll take out the misleading data now so you can look at more precise data points.


这看起来更好。 (This looks better.)

Here is how the three pillars contributed to the traffic generation:


Social media: 2,429 sessions (50% traffic);

社交媒体: 2,429次会话(50%的访问量);

Content marketing: 1,084 sessions (22.3% traffic);

内容营销: 1,084次会话(22.3%的访问量);

SEO: 235 sessions (4.8% traffic).

SEO: 235个会话(4.8%的流量)。

等一下。 其余22.9%呢? (Oh, wait. What about the other 22.9%?)

They are our email marketing traffic (3.6%) and referrals (19.3%). Referrals are other websites with links to ours. This is something we didn’t map at first when making the strategy, other people linking GitShowcase into their pages and newsletters.

它们是我们的电子邮件营销流量(3.6%)和 引荐(19.3%) 。 推荐连结是指向我们网站的其他网站。 在制定策略时,其他人将GitShowcase链接到其页面和新闻通讯时,这并不是我们最初映射的内容。

It surprised us positively because we were featured in really cool websites, such as . We were hunted by a nice Israeli guy named Raz. Thanks, man!

这使我们感到非常惊讶,因为我们在很酷的网站(例如 。 我们被一个名叫拉兹的好以色列人追捕。 谢啦!

Something on our radar now are referrals, which are becoming our 4th pillar — getting other websites to talk about us and endorse us.


Social media nailed it as the best source to drive traffic, as we expected. It’s where users share their profiles and discuss the the tool, tweet it, endorse it, and others can meet us.

正如我们预期的那样,社交媒体将其定为吸引流量的最佳来源。 在这里,用户可以共享其个人资料并讨论该工具,对其进行鸣叫,认可,其他人也可以与我们见面。

Content marketing was quite expressive too. People pay attention to good quality content and reward it with their time.

内容营销也很富有表现力。 人们关注高质量的内容,并随着时间的流逝对其进行奖励。

SEO is still a baby, because we are building our brand awareness and reputation with search engines. We think it will become more effective over the next 3 months or so.

SEO还是一个婴儿,因为我们正在通过搜索引擎建立我们的品牌知名度和声誉。 我们认为它将在未来3个月左右变得更加有效。

好的,我们收到了来自世界各地的杰出人士的报名,并且一些网站在谈论我们。 现在,如何从中赚钱呢? (Ok, we got some sign-ups from awesome people worldwide and some websites are talking about us. Now, how to make money out of it?)

That’s where we are in this moment. As the base grows, users start making a lot of suggestions and asking for more features. We iterate the product on a daily basis when we’re home after our full-time jobs. It’s kinda driving us sleepless. So we thought: “Would it be, let’s say, maybe… the right call to monetize GitShowcase?”

那就是我们现在的位置。 随着基础的增长,用户开始提出很多建议并要求更多功能。 我们每天在家工作后,每天都会对产品进行迭代。 这有点使我们无法入睡。 因此我们想到:“是不是,也许……正确的电话交易可以通过GitShowcase货币化?”

We have a couple ideas about how to make GitShowcase a freemium product. In other words, people could use the basic plan for free, and get some exclusive features through paid plans. Our basic plan would be the same as it is today — a full and automated portfolio. Paid plans would have the same, along with some extras:

关于如何使GitShowcase成为免费增值产品,我们有一些想法。 换句话说,人们可以免费使用基本计划,并通过付费计划获得一些专有功能。 我们的基本计划将与今天相同-完整且自动化的产品组合。 付费计划将具有相同的功能,以及一些额外功能:

  • A custom domain ─ instead of

    自定义域 而不是

  • Access to premium templates ─ Handcrafted templates for different focus. Today we have only one template, which is focused primarily on projects.

    访问高级模板 ─手工制作的模板可用于不同的重点。 今天,我们只有一个模板,主要用于项目。

  • Recruitment area benefits ─ Developers need portfolios mostly for job applications, or to be headhunted, so building a recruitment area seems like a no-brainer. Recruiters would be able to search our database to find developers with specific knowledge, and those on paid plans would appear higher up in results than those who are on the basic plan.

    招聘区域的好处 ─开发人员主要是为了求职或被猎头而需要投资组合,因此建立招聘区域似乎是理所当然的事情。 招聘人员将能够搜索我们的数据库,以找到具有特定知识的开发人员,而那些付费计划的人的收入要比那些基本计划的人高。

调查时间 (Time to survey)

Before spending any time developing the features, we made a survey with our users to understand if these ideas would resonate to their interests. We used to send the email and to activate it.

在花任何时间开发功能之前,我们与用户进行了调查,以了解这些想法是否会引起他们的兴趣。 我们使用发送电子邮件,并使用激活它。

“今天缺少什么?” (“What’s missing today?”)

Wow, analytics and generic inner content? We just put these options there to fill space, but apparently they’re what most people want.

哇,分析和通用内部内容? 我们只是将这些选项放在此处以填充空间,但是显然它们是大多数人想要的。

This is why listening to users is important. We are very biased by what we think is a priority.

这就是为什么听用户很重要的原因。 我们认为优先是我们的偏见。

“你愿意付那些钱吗?” (“Would you pay for those?”)

I must confess we were expecting more enthusiasm here, even when we know it’s hard to ask for people to abstract and imagine them paying for something they can’t yet see or interact with.


Well, maybe is not that bad… Right? *holding tears*

好吧,也许还不错...对吗? *流泪*

I have heard once that companies should listen more to the extreme users of both ends — the haters and the lovers. This is where you can see serious mistakes, and you can see how you are adding real value to people’s lives. Neutrals won’t bother telling you much, because they don’t hate nor love you, so it mostly gets you in the same place. Makes sense, I guess…

我曾经听过,公司应该更多地听取双方的极端用户-仇恨者和爱好者。 在这里,您可以看到严重的错误,也可以看到如何为人们的生活增加真正的价值。 中立人不会费心告诉您很多事情,因为他们既不讨厌也不爱您,所以它通常会使您处于同一个位置。 我猜是有道理的...

“值得付出的服务是什么?” (“What could be a service worth paying for?”)

This was the last question of the survey. It was open, more abstract than the others and not required, so many people just passed it blank. 29% spoke their mind. I will try to condense the answers on three personas:

这是调查的最后一个问题。 它是开放的,比其他的更抽象,并且不是必需的,因此许多人将其空白。 29%的人说了主意 。 我将尝试将答案浓缩为三个角色:

Hater: I might have signed up, but don’t even try to charge something, I can develop my own portfolio if I want to, you obnoxious capitalists!!!!


Neutral: It’s ok to charge something, but how about a symbolic $1 per year just to have access to GitShowcase? It’s fair to help you pay the bills.

中立:收费是可以的,但是每年仅象征性地支付1美元就可以访问GitShowcase吗? 帮助您支付账单很公平。

Lover side: I like the custom domain thing and would pay for it. The portfolio is really cool. But guys, have you thought about getting us closer to recruiters? Man, that’s something that would make me to tattoo the GitShowcase logo on my leg.

情人方面:我喜欢自定义域名,并且会为此付费。 投资组合真的很棒。 但是伙计们,您是否考虑过让我们更接近招聘人员? 天哪,那会让我在腿上刺青GitShowcase徽标。

This was way more revealing than the other closed questions. We won’t make much progress on tiny specific things that developers can code themselves. Custom domains are still a thing because some people would like their GitShowcase profile to be their official website.

比其他未解决的问题更能说明问题。 在开发人员可以自己编写的微小特定事项上,我们不会取得太大进展。 自定义域仍然是一件事情,因为有些人希望他们的GitShowcase个人资料成为其官方网站。

What got us really wondering is that we had plans for a recruitment area to happen in the future, but we didn’t put that in the survey because we thought it to be a really distant step. But some users are already expecting it to happen. TODAY. And they are on fire.

我们真正想知道的是,我们计划在将来进行招聘,但我们没有将其纳入调查范围,因为我们认为这是一个遥不可及的步骤。 但是一些用户已经期望它会发生。 今天。 他们着火了。

招聘人员对GitShowcase感兴趣吗? (Do recruiters have interest on GitShowcase?)

I’m looking into this. I spammed some high level tech recruiters in my network with a couple questions to see which tools they use currently, how they research candidates before approaching them, and whether they’re interested in a place to hunt developers by specific knowledge, location, and projects.

我正在调查这个。 我向网络中的一些高级技术招聘人员发送了一些问题,以询问他们当前使用哪些工具,在与候选人联系之前如何研究候选人以及他们是否对通过特定知识,位置和项目来寻找开发人员的场所感兴趣。

Three answered back. All of them had positive feedback about the prospects of using our platform.

三人回答了。 他们都对使用我们平台的前景有积极的反馈。

Do you know a tech recruiter? Tag him/her in the comments please. We are very open to count on them to help us shape GitShowcase.

你认识科技招聘人员吗? 请在评论中标记他/她。 我们非常愿意依靠它们来帮助我们塑造GitShowcase。

接下来我们要做什么? (What are we going to do next?)

Well, it seems now we have a plan. And tons of homework. We decided to prioritize the tasks by balancing relevance and ease of implementation. So, this is what we will grind out over the next three months:

好吧,现在看来我们有了一个计划。 和大量的作业。 我们决定通过平衡相关性和易于实施的方式来优先考虑这些任务。 因此,这是我们在接下来的三个月中要研究的内容:

  • Custom domain functionality

  • Modular templates to enrich profile content

  • A talent recruitment area


为什么我只告诉你我所有的计划? (Why did I just tell you all my plans?)

We embrace the open source culture. Even when the common sense might say otherwise, we believe transparency builds trust, while secrecy repels it. People shouldn’t be afraid of sharing knowledge and speaking openly about their plans.

我们拥护开源文化。 即使常识可能另有说明,我们也认为透明度可以建立信任,而保密可以消除信任。 人们不应该害怕分享知识并公开谈论自己的计划。

到目前为止,我们已经吸取了教训: (The lessons we’ve learned so far:)

  1. Open source is love. Open source is life.

    开源就是爱。 开源就是生命。
  2. People won’t steal the code because it’s open. In fact, people help building the product. .

    人们不会窃取该代码,因为它是开放的。 实际上,人们可以帮助构建产品。 。

  3. Content marketing performs well if the content is relevant and published in the right places.

  4. If you aren’t sure of something, just ask. Don’t try and fake anything that your users depend on.

    如果您不确定某件事,请询问。 不要尝试伪造用户依赖的任何内容。
  5. If your product doesn’t solve a real problem, there’s no strategy that can save it. Build a good product, and do some marketing to take your product places.

    如果您的产品不能解决真正的问题,则没有可以挽救它的策略。 建立一个好的产品,并进行一些营销以取代您的产品。

喜欢这个职位吗? 通过在评论中标记开发人员或技术招聘人员来帮助我们:) (Liked the post? Help us by tagging a developer or a tech recruiter in the comments :))

We are a two-man band with zero budget trying to make things happen, so all the support is more than welcome. You can either:

我们是一个两人乐队,预算为零,力求使事情成真,因此,所有的支持都将受到欢迎。 您可以:

  1. Tag a developer in the comments to meet


  2. Tag a tech recruiter to take a look at what we’re doing here. We’ll be opening the talent recruitment dashboard on beta soon.

    给技术招聘人员标签 ,看看我们在这里做什么。 我们即将在Beta版中打开人才招聘信息中心。

  3. Like, comment and share this post to help it reach out more interesting people just like you.


If you are still reading this, you’re the best. Thanks for your time.

如果您仍在阅读本文,那将是最好的。 谢谢你的时间。

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在 , 和关注GitShowcase。


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